Thursday, December 18, 2008

Right on with word games

#35: Games and Gaming in the Library
I had no idea there were so many benefits to video games. It makes me wonder if the original naysayers based their protests on research, or if they were simply concerned by the sight of a nonresp0nsive teen in front of a tv with a joystick. I enjoyed Donkey Kong when it first came out. Since then I have left the games totally in my kids hands.

I gained more satisfiction from Freerice than Wordsplay, although both are interesting concepts. I love how you launch immediately into the game. It was also more friendly, although Wordsplay is a more difficult game. The idea of donating to a cause as you play is wonderful and an even better use of time. I actually got the majority correct! Wordsplay was a different story--more difficult and harder to reach a score closer to the winners. Not bad for a first try!

There are probably several thoughts on how video games can improve the user. Most obvious is the increased vocabulary. I believe Wordsplay may teach some spatial skills. Perseverance definitely, and keyboard skills.

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