Saturday, October 27, 2007

Opinionated Perspective

Week 6, #15: Library 2.0 Manifesto is a critical start to a complicated problem. Really what libraries are facing now may be no different than what they faced at the onset on the information age, when computers and then online information became accessible. But now there is so much more information and options to retrieve it, that a plan to address this is vital. The advantage is given all the advances in computer technology, we are able to train ourselves and each other through technology. That should speed up the solution. Also, we've learned and proven that we won't hold on to the past, but will change with the times. But how? Personally, I think we need a very techno saavy hero to ride in and save us. This would most likely be someone from a generation much younger than the majority of us. I don't feel that OPACs themselves have kept up with user demands. Our users click at the same rate they demand information. Perhaps libraries' survival depends largely on the ability of OPACs to design systems that will interface to access not only materials, but online information as well.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Week 6, #14: I am amazed that all this information is organization. I learned from one of my coworkers that there are differences among blogs. Some are done by professional groups and may be very useful, such as book reviews, programming information, etc. Other are personal. I'm not interested in these unless, as she mentioned, they are done by a friend. I did find different results between bloglines, tags, and blog directories. The amount of information is still overwhelming. I suppose if I used these things frequently (there are fulltime bloggers!), I would be completely comfortable with it.


Week 6, #13: Finally! A way of organizing this information. Right up my alley, too, with a list of searchable words.

No More Excuses

Week 5, #12: I already see the advantages of Library Elf for a procrastinator like me. That book(s) can sit on the nightstand for days, having been read for some time. I can specify that the "elf" notify me everyday that it is due. This would seem to be especially helpful in an area where we can be part of 3 separate library systems. There must be a famous quote that has to do with the good and bad of too many choices.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Week 5, #11: LibraryThing is great. I'm anxious to really try it out to find some good reads. I posted some of my favorite books. Unfortunately, I have almost as much time to use it thoroughly as I do to read books!

Needed Coffee for this Exercise

Week 5, #10 - I found the photos in Flickr to be much better quality than those on FD Toys.

Too Much News is Good News

Week 4, #9-After exploring all 4 of the blog-finding tools, I much prefer Topix. I am amazed that anyone can create text about anything and it's accessible in several ways. I find Topix to be the easiest to access and find information.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Keeping Current on Everything

Week 4, #8: I am very excited about getting updated information about new movies and travel sites using my rss feeds. This will also help keep current with new events and weather.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

I Picture A Lot of Pictures

Week 3, #7: This reminds me of the view from the cabin at Estes Park

No Excuse for Not Scrapbooking

Week 3, #6: Using Trip Planner, I was able to create a dream vacation to a place I always wanted to go: Rome, Italy. There are a number of museums and tourist spots I would love to see!

Clickn' Flickr

Week 3, #5: I was able to add these photos using Flickr.

Internet safety

Week 2, #4: Privacy is a thing of the past. With all the access points to information these days, we can no longer assume that any of our actions (or words for those of us that talk to ourselves) are ever unseen. This could have both negative or positive outcomes. We may all become paranoid, ever conscious that we are being watched and critiqued. Conversely, this may lead us to become morally mindful of all that we do!

Catching on: I Have a Blog!

Week 2, #3: Living an orderly live seems to be in large part a matter of managing distractions. This is something you must learn to do when you have children, especially more than one. There is triumph at the end of the day if all needs (family and work) have been met and there is reasonable hope and preparation for attending to the needs of the following day.

This is also true of learning something new. We cannot sit for an extended period of time and comprehend a new task without a tangible or mental distraction. So this process of learning all these new technological wonders is taking some time, but it's coming. I figure any amount of learning is beneficial.