Monday, October 5, 2009

Genealogy #70: Genealogy 2.0

Wow! It's amazing what can be done with technology. The Internet opened up all new avenues for finding and sharing genealogy information. Obviously, these are equal contributors to a thorough genealogy search. I was quite surprised to find I could locate celebrities that look like me based on face recognition technology (I have no idea what exactly this means and could not find a thorough definition). The celebrities that came up were not at all what I would expected. I guess we all picture ourselves as looking like the most beautiful, sexy celebrities on the magazine covers today!

Footnote can be used to make some amazing connections. Through posted photos and documents and their tags, people can connect and chat with old family friends. I can see where this would be useful in identifying people in a photo and learning a new chapter in family history. Blanks can be filled in and new research started!

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