Saturday, October 27, 2007

Opinionated Perspective

Week 6, #15: Library 2.0 Manifesto is a critical start to a complicated problem. Really what libraries are facing now may be no different than what they faced at the onset on the information age, when computers and then online information became accessible. But now there is so much more information and options to retrieve it, that a plan to address this is vital. The advantage is given all the advances in computer technology, we are able to train ourselves and each other through technology. That should speed up the solution. Also, we've learned and proven that we won't hold on to the past, but will change with the times. But how? Personally, I think we need a very techno saavy hero to ride in and save us. This would most likely be someone from a generation much younger than the majority of us. I don't feel that OPACs themselves have kept up with user demands. Our users click at the same rate they demand information. Perhaps libraries' survival depends largely on the ability of OPACs to design systems that will interface to access not only materials, but online information as well.

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